Friday, August 17, 2012

Blogging Update

Hello everyone,

I know this may make a few of you sad (or perhaps I'm delusional about the importance of my blog in your lives) but I've decided to put the blog on hiatus for a while.

I have decided to use the time I spend writing posts on my other literary pursuits, namely some of these pesky novel ideas that won't leave me alone.  It has been a delightful few months for me and I hope for you as well.  Now I bid you farewell for now and leave you with one final sweeping landscape photo.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Yesterday my sister gave me a travel journal.  Now the only question remains, where in the world shall I travel to?

Lake Michigan

Monday, August 13, 2012


CatCam has inspired me.  All you need is a cat (which I have),

and a camera (which, ok, I don't have...yet) and insanity ensues!  I'd be able to post pictures that Sorcha takes and ones I take and see whose a better photographer.

Speaking of photography, I do believe I have rather a lot of potential as a blurry photo extraordinaire.  I did a photo shoot of the Sleeping Bear Dunes last week.  Among the pictures of the lakes and dunes, there are a set of pictures that I took while hanging out of the window of a moving vehicle.  So here's the first installment of my Blurry Photo Gallery,

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Rest of the Festival

It's been a few days and I have lots to catch you all up on.  First things first, the end of the film festival.  After Friday's late night, I still managed to get up, get a ticket, and see the fiction short films.  I'm so glad I did because they were fabulous.  These filmmakers told complete narratives in as little as a minute!  As someone who as attempted short films myself, I know what a challenge that can be.

Later on Saturday I saw The Giant Mechanical Man,

and on Sunday morning I ended my festival with some documentary short films.  Included in this group was the film that I'd been waiting weeks to see, CatCam.

It definitely lived up to my expectations.

Friday, August 3, 2012

News from the Festival, Part 2

By late last night, I was more than a little starstruck.  Not only were there Q&A sessions with the directors of Hysteria and Whole Lotta Sole, there was also a Q&A session with Kristen Bell following Hit & Run!  Hannah, my coworker Chelsea, and I were in the second row!!!  Talk about the best time ever to decide to sit right up front at the movie theater.  

If you are into slapstick comedy, car chases, and great dialogue, Hit & Run is the film for you.  And, unlike many of the film fest features, this one is coming to theaters soon.

Today I have a couple of classics,

When Harry Met Sally

and Rocky Horror Picture Show!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

New from the Festival

It has been a busy week and will continue to be so for a while yet.  On top of trying to watch the Olympics as much as possible, I am also trying to catch as many films as possible.  Last night was We Are Legion, a documentary about the hacktivist group Anonymous.

Today I have Hysteria,

Whole Lotta Sole

and Hit and Run

In knitting news, I'm almost done with the four jar cozies and the bikini.  Only I now have to sew in a lining for the bikini... it's a bit stretcher than I thought it would be.

Friday, July 27, 2012


While everyone else prepares for the upcoming film fest by rearranging schedules, buying tickets, and plotting celebrity sightings, I am planning out my movie watching knitting projects.  Of course I'm doing all the other things as well but since my commissions log hit 10 projects and more birthdays are approaching, I am knitting nonstop.

Here's what's on the schedule for the movie theater knitting,

A felted bag (stockinette on circle needles for about a million years)
A jar cozy (same idea but on DPNs)
A gift that involves large blocks of stockinette on straight needles

While these probably won't be enough to occupy my hands during all of my 7 movies, it will definitely give me a good handle on my project mania!

A stone causing ripples on Tawas Point beach

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Oh the Things We Knit

First of all, I invite you all the check out this latest post from the Knitty blog.  It's about knitted wedding dresses!  Although I must say, there is quite a difference between knitting your own wedding dress and taking your wedding photos in a field with some sheep while wearing your hand knit, hand spun dress...

Also be sure to check out the giant needles and newspaper yarn in the article further down the page!  Quite sensationally mad.

For those of you who've missed them, here's the inspirational photo of the day,

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Comedy Genius

I meant to write about this last week but life got in the way.

Hannah and I went to see Wet Hot American Summer as part of the State Theater's Friday Night Flicks.  It was a great night.  The crowd was right, the mood was light and fun, and I laughed harder than I have ever laughed at this movie (which I've seen numerous times).  It's ridiculous, obscene, and all around an excellent example of a campy cult flick.  You either love it or you hate it and I love it.  Lots of really funny actors, an epic canoe trip, a legendary capture the flag game, an inspiring astrophysics lecture, counseling sessions over arts and crafts, and a truly unforgettable trip to town.  And that's only the first half hour!

Camping - Day 6

Have you ever read a book that, once you started it, you HAD to finish?  A book you were so caught up in, you stopped delineating between reality and the book?  I have.  I am right now.  In fact, I probably won't talk to you until I've finished that final sentence and been released from it's charms.

Camping - Day 4

Today I awoke to another meeting of the seagull convention outside my tent door.  I stumbled out to find that they had left me poopy presents all over my tent, my beach chair, the picnic table, the car... you get the idea.  In addition, 3 spiders had taken up residence in the back of said beach chair.  Isn't nature fun?  Actually I could have been (and was) fine with all that but then a bird pooped on my arm.  That was just a little too close to nature for my taste.

On the bright side, my mother, sister, aunt, cousins, and family friends (9 women in all) got caught skinny dipping by the park ranger last night.  He literally dropped his flashlight when he saw one of our friends standing on the beach, entirely nude.  Quite good fun.

Camping - Day 3

On my second trip to the yarn shop, I was finally able to commit to some purchases.  Fellow knitters will understand this: my mother and sister asked me dozens of questions about which yarn would be best for which project and which colors work well together.  Then they were ready to check out and couldn't believe I hadn't made any decisions yet!

I bought yarn for all my commissions, some lovely wooden shawl pins, and two skeins for myself that I couldn't resist.  One is a sock yarn from Frog Tree Yarns.  If you haven't tried one of their yarns, you are missing out.  Lovely, affordable alpaca, merino, and bamboo yarns from Peru and Bolivia.  Also check out the story behind the company.  Very cool.

The second skein is a red, green, and white Christmas sock yarn.  You know, for my Christmas outfit.  Should go well with my ugly Christmas sweater, my Christmas leggings, and my elf hat!

Camping - Day 2

Welcome to the camp diaries.  I wrote these at the campground but due to the aforementioned lack of easily accessible wifi, you're getting them all now.  Enjoy.

Tawas Point Lighthouse
Yesterday was all set up and eating.  Today is more set up and more eating.  When did we get so many tents?

Goals for the week:  Sleep, beach, yarn shop, read.  Not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Photo of the Day

The inspirational photo of the day.  

Tomorrow I leave for a week long camping adventure with the family.  One of the best things about the campground is that there is no wifi and barely any cell service.  I say this because there is a good chance that you won't hear from me at all next week.  But no worries, I'll definitely be back the following week! 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Catnip Inspiration

Sorry I haven't been around to write lately everyone.  I kept thinking about posting but then life would get in the way and sets me on a different course entirely.

Sunday was the Cherry Festival Art Show that my dear friend Kelly was selling at.  If you want to check out her blog, here's the link; News From Fern Street  Although I was only able to stop by for a brief moment, I did get an adorable catnip wonton for Sorcha.  Sorcha LOVES her new toy.  So thanks Kelly!

This morning I went on an inspiration walk to the library, bringing along my photo/video camera.  I needed a break from my furious cape pattern finishing and birthday present knitting.  I hope to share some of these photos over the next few days.  So here's the inspirational photo for today,

Friday, July 6, 2012

Late Night Browsing

I am actually in the process of giving up my late night screen time so this is leftover from before that resolution...

I was looking around at online yarn shops and I stumbled onto this fun shop: indigodragonfly.  The colors are lovely and the blog posts are entertaining but what really got me were names of the yarns.  Check them out and enjoy.  Meanwhile I will try to decide which Buffy, Princess Bride, or Firefly themed skeins I should get!  

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

On This, The 4th Day of July

It is hot.  Really really ridiculously hot.  Which makes knitting a challenge, let me tell you.  Now that I have finished the light, lacy wedding shawl (a couple days after the wedding but who's counting?) I am left with the next highest priority on my list, the cape pattern.  Let me repeat that.  I am trying to knit a bulky (orange) cape in the middle of this heat.  We have left challenging way behind.  

I know you're all dying to see my completed shawl but this is the only photo I'm releasing at this time.  I will have the pattern for sale either on Ravelry or as part of a book someday so I don't want to give everything away now!  It looks stunning, if I do say so myself.  I literally took 70 pictures of it this morning.

Enjoy your holiday everyone!

Monday, July 2, 2012

My Other Passions

This weekend I got the chance to explore one of my other passions; wedding planning.  Now, as many of you know and were present during, I have done wedding planning before with mixed results.  It is a tough job.  Essentially you are the people pleaser for the day, running this way and that, ensuring that everyone is happy, well fed, and not too drunk.  The best compliment you can get from the bride and groom is "I don't think anything went wrong.  Everything turned out great!"

I could not have asked for more kind, grateful, or generous people at this wedding!  One of my favorite moments was during dinner when people who had a message for the couple just came up to the microphone and gave their toast, no formalities needed.  These words were more personal and meaningful than any of the speeches I've heard at all the weddings I've been to.

The thing I learned from the experience, though, is that I cannot do this wedding planning thing very often.  It completely wore me out!  Well, that is why it is one of many things that I am passionate about.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Just Stopping By

Although the insanity continues, I figured I'd pop my head in to share my new favorite food with you.  It is the Garlic Scape-Cheese-Lettuce Wrap, courtesy of Kat.  She invented them at our last book club meeting and since then I cannot get enough.  There are three ingredients, they're all in the title, and you just roll them all up in a little bundle of cheesy, garlicy, lettucey goodness.  The perfect appetizer for your fancy dinner parties, your casual knitting nights, and your barn raising shindigs!  Also for the tired, overworked souls such as myself, these make a fine late night dinner.

Well, time to get back to doing stuff.  Since I don't have a Garlic Scape-Cheese-Lettuce Wrap photo yet, I leave you with this artsy flower picture.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Thank you to everyone who stopped by the art show to see me yesterday!
I'm so grateful I have such great family and friends.

A special thanks to Hannah, who captured this rare photo:

Thank you!

Now that that's done there is (as you can probably guess) more knitting to be done.  I am practically swimming in commissions, presents, and samples!  And so continues the adventure...

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Catching Up

The last few days have been busy.  Really really ridiculously busy.  Actually, the next few days are going to be just as busy, if not more so.  Thus I am taking my brief waiting moments to catch up on a few things.

This is the lovely handspun yarn that my pops got me for my birthday.  It's a blend of a couple of different wools with strings of little pearls and tiny roses spun in.  I hardly know what to do with it, that's how cool it is.  I want to show off the yarn well and I want to wear whatever I make.  Any suggestions?

Hannah captured this gem a week or so ago.  Sorcha is in the middle of one of her pathetic meowing for food routines.  Not her cutest moments, that's for sure.  I think this picture does an excellent job of capturing her total insanity.

Alright, time's up!  Enough catching up and back to my busy busy day!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Showing Off

As many (or perhaps all) of you know, I am selling in an art show this Sunday.  It's the Old Town Arts & Crafts Fair and will be taking place from 10-5, along Union Street.  Come down if you can/want to!

I was about to say that this is my first art show but that would be false.  It will be the first art show in my home town where I am not selling at the Kids Tent.  Yes indeedy, I am moving up to the big leagues with this one!

Well that's all I have for now.  I have a hundred things to do before then and this latest heat wave is not helping.  Welcome to the longest and hottest day of the year.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Some Non-Knitting Notes

1. Picking strawberries is hard work.  Particularly when you pick a collective 39lbs of berries.  However...

2. Eating strawberries makes the picking totally worth it.

3. Making strawberry freezer jam is fun, quick, easy, and delicious!  

4. Labeling the jam jars is even more fun.

5. Tap dancing is hard.  A lot harder than I thought.  Not that I thought it would be easy or anything.  I just thought maybe I'd put on the shoes and suddenly be a brilliant dancer...

6.  You never know.  Could happen.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Now for Something Cute

I finished knitting this adorable little cardigan a few weeks ago and am absolutely in love with it!  It is far too small for me so I should probably try to sell it or give it away... But it's SO cute!

Solution?  I will just have to knit a larger version for myself.  Someday.  Once I've gotten caught up on all my other knitting adventures.

This tiny garment is knit with Malabrigo 100% Organic Cotton in Lima.  If you have never used this yarn before, I highly recommend it.  

Monday, June 11, 2012

Life Amongst the Knitters

As promised, here are some of the scenes from Saturday's Knit/Crochet in Public Day...

Our multicolored welcome sign!  Do you see my "I"? 

The infamous Mario drinking fountain.  Knit by the one and only, Knit Happens.  Complete with glow in the dark teeth.

The White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, also a Knit Happens creation.

Some lovely handspun, Kool-Aid dyed yarn that I borrowed from a fellow knitter.  For photography purposes, of course.

All in all a smashing success!  Excellent weather, decorations, company, and knitting!

In looking over my pictures I realized that I don't have a single picture of me knitting.  Not just from Saturday either.  I have absolutely no knitting pictures of myself!  Perhaps the photographer will have to become the photographed...

Friday, June 8, 2012


Tomorrow is World Wide Knit in Public Day, or, as we here in TC call it Traverse City's World Wide Knit/Crochet in Public Day (TCWWKCIPD).  I have linked to the Facebook page for those who want to see more.  Or you could just read the awesome poster that our fearless organizers created!

Among the many things that were knitted/crocheted for this event, we have actually made each of the letters of our acronym.  I am proud to say that I have knitted my first letter "I".  It is rather large and purpley-blue.  

I will, of course, be taking pictures tomorrow.  So look forward to those.  Per usual, they will probably not be up soon enough for some of you impatient friends.  You know who you are.  

I highly encourage you all to knit or crochet in public tomorrow.  Even if just for a bit.  

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Socks That Hannah Knit

I have told you about Hannah's crazy socks (or at least I think I have) and this is a particularly good example.  They are knee high, hot pink, sparkly, and knit in multiple, intricate lace patterns.  

The only difference between these and some of her other works is that this particular pair was knit just for me!  Can you tell that I absolutely love my new socks?  Because I do.

For those who are curious, the pattern is Antoinette and the yarn is KnitPicks Stroll Glimmer in Runway.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Birthday Photoblog Part II

Last Friday I hosted a summit meeting of superheroes.  Now I would not recommend getting so many powerful and heavily costumed people in one room unless you have lots of activities and snacks.  I was well prepared but even so, as you will see, actually capturing these superheroes on camera proved to be a challenging and dangerous task.  We have,
The Doctor

Convict Jane

The Black Widow

Sydney Bristow

And Aquaman, the heavily bearded.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Parade of Shoes

This, folks, is part one of my birthday photo blog, in which I show off my many shoe changes and my Justice League scarf!

The completed scarf.  

That's my mother's head behind me.  Not a feathery hair piece.  I know, I was wondering too.